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Find Your Word For The Year

1st January 2018

For me setting resolutions and massive goals at the begin of the new year never really worked for me, as I often find I would just fail and this would just leave me depressed and deflated!

Then I read about just choosing a ‘word’ for the year. A single word that sums up the essence and focus for the next 365 days of the year ahead. This sounded great so a did away with the resolutions and massive goals, and started using a word for the year. I have found over the years of doing this a word can be interpreted in different ways. A word can be embraced a meditation point, a reminder, a promise.

People will have many different ways for how they find their word of the year. For me I like to spend time sitting quietly with God and praying over a word for the year, often I will get a few words come up, but one normally stands out in my heart. Once I have my word I will sit and listen patiently as he whispers to me, allowing me to see how I could grow using the word he has put on my heart, I will spend time praying for scriptors to go with my word, I will also spend time studying the word and how it can apply to me life and walk with God.

For me over the years I have learnt though my Word of the year, that my growth in God is not a project – like a bible study – but about my time spent with God, listening to what God was calling me to do.

If you are new to choosing a word for the year or struggling with choosing a word....

Here are some Helpful Tip to consider when choosing your word for the year: (I come acorss these tips on a blog by Alece Ronzino from a community and a movement, encouraging us to forget resolutions and to choose JUST ONE WORD instead )

  • Focus on being rather than doing. Different than resolutions, your one word isn’t a constant reminder of what you “should be doing”. Instead, it stands to inspire how you want to live. Think about who you want to be, and choose a word that will help you become that.

  • Be authentic. Your word should reflect YOU, and no one else. It’s easy to listen to others’ words and then pick one that sounds good. But you want a word that’s uniquely yours… one that resonates with you on a deep level.

  • Don’t overthink it. It’s not rocket science, and there’s no wrong answer. Don’t analyze it to death! It’s simply about identifying the word that keeps coming back to nag at your heart. Keep an open mind and heart, and pay attention to the word that you see, hear, and recognize the most in the coming days…

Remember your word is intended to be your guide, not a harsh standard.

For me this year my word is Run.. Click on the picture to see how I enjoyed journaling on the word I felt was for me this year and how I have connected with mt faith and walk with God this year.



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